FullScreenWrapper2: Python GUI framework for Android

Note: No longer under development FullScreenWapper2 is a GUI Framework for developing full screen apps using the FullScreenUI API functions provided by Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) using Python-for-Android It enables Python SL4A scripts to get a look & feel similar to Android Java apps using the same Views used by native Java apps XML Layouts and provides pythonic access to events.
- Managed eventloop & a layout stack enabling easy parent->child->parent transitions
- EventHandler classes with event-matching functions pre-built for standard View events like click,itemclick(ListView) and key
- Device Sensors & other similar SL4A/Custom events can also be caught & managed eventloop + EventHandler class
- Pythonic access to the views and properties of the layout (ie. MainLayout.views.txt_label.background = “#FFAA00AA”)
Get it
Full documentation & library download is available at the Python-for-Android Wiki